tinyML EMEA – George Gekov: Creating end-to-end Tiny ML application for the Ethos-U NPU in the cloud

Creating end-to-end Tiny ML application for the Ethos-U NPU in the cloud
George GEKOV
Application Engineer

The Arm Ethos-U55 and Ethos-U65 microNPUs are a new class of microprocessors designed specifically for Machine Learning. They provide best-in-class performance per Watt for the ML operators that are commonly used by the tinyML neural networks.
In this talk, George explains what the key factors are to consider and pitfalls to avoid when designing ML models for tinyML applications. Furthermore, he will demonstrate how you can create an end-to-end tinyML application targeting Arm’s Cortex-M and Ethos-U today, even if you don’t have access to the latest silicon yet. Arm Virtual Hardware allows you achieve just that – start software product development early, experiment with ideas and
test your application code. When silicon becomes available you will be in position to deploy your code in a frictionless manner, significantly reducing the time to market of your product.


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