tinyML Auto ML Forum – Demos

Tiny machine learning is broadly defined as a fast growing field of machine learning technologies and applications including hardware and software capable of performing on-device sensor data analytics at extremely low power. The tinyML Foundation (tinyml.org) is powering the explosive growth of this ecosystem.

tinyAutoML is the process of automating tiny machine learning applications. Automation in this process allows non-experts to access the capabilities of ultra-low power at the edge applications as well as increasing the productivity of experts.

The first tinyML Auto ML Forum will allow you to hear from experts in the industry and open-source community offering tools that automate the generation of tiny machine learning applications. tinyAutoML will be necessary for productive deployment of intelligent internet of things and ongoing training of machine learning models on edge devices. Kicked off with an exciting keynote from a leading analyst on the state of the tinyAutoML market, you will hear from a dozen companies in a unique roundtable format to explore all of the approaches to tinyAutoML across use cases from image recognitions/segmentation to human activity recognition to predictive maintenance.

The outcome of this event will be a first of its kind “State of the tinyAutoML Market” document.


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