tinyML Summit 2021 Tutorial: Build Industrial-Grade tinyML applications with Edge Impulse!

tinyML Summit 2021 https://www.tinyml.org/event/summit-2021

Tutorial: Build Industrial-Grade tinyML applications with Edge Impulse!

In this free live workshop, you will build a full tinyML application, end-to-end, using the latest best practices in embedded machine learning. You will learn how to collect a dataset, design and train a tiny (but accurate) model, evaluate its performance, optimize it for embedded use, and integrate it into a real embedded application running on a genuine MCU.

Anyone registered for the Summit may join. To actually build an application you may either purchase the Thunderboard kit or if you’d like you can simply observe. If you order the kit, in addition you may download the Open Source Firmware for the Thunderboard companion development board which is hosted on GitHub.


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