tinyML Summit 2021 Partner Session: A real application of TinyML in Intelligent Building Sensors

tinyML Summit 2021 https://www.tinyml.org/event/summit-2021
Partner Sessions – Edge Applications
“A real application of TinyML in Intelligent Building Sensors”
Martin CROOME, Vice President Marketing, GreenWaves

In this session, we will look at a real-life example of using TinyML in smart building sensors. Up until now building sensors counting people have been expensive and difficult to install or have lacked accuracy. TinyML makes reliable, battery operated people counting possible with sensor battery lives of over five years in typical scenarios. This allows for inexpensive, easy to install products that bring a lot of value to facility managers. The applications enabled by sophisticated image and sound analysis in building sensors don’t just stop at counting. We will also look at some of the other use cases that are possible and how they are being enabled by GAP processors, now.


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