
Raspberry Pi Pico W LESSON 30: Project to Connect Your Raspberry Pi Pico W to the Internet

This is the OLED display we will be using in future lessons. Please go ahead and order it so you will have it for next week’s lesson:

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In this class we will be using the Sunfounder Raspberry Pi Pico W Keppler Kit. It will make things a lot easier if we are working on identical hardware. the link below is to amazon, and is for the identical hardware I will be using in this entire class.

In this introductory video, I will show you how to connect your Raspberry Pi Pico W to the internet. I will demonstrate how you can download real time data files from the WEB, and how to parse the data. Most of these real time data files are stored as .json files. I will show you how to parse these data structures, and extract useful information. Enjoy!

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